Email your legislators and urge them to oppose the largest “Parental Choice Tax Credit Act” to date

After being rejected by the legislature last year, private tuition voucher schemes are back again and, this time disguised as a tax credit bill being fast-tracked through the House Ways and Means committee.

Just like SB 1038 last year, this Tax Voucher Scheme will funnel tax dollars mostly to families with kids already attending private schools. This is not about giving families more "choice"; it's a taxpayer-funded subsidy for a privileged group of families with no oversight. This time, the voucher program is even larger than ever before.

Supporters of this bill might say that it’s a “tax credit” but make no mistake: it is an ongoing government program we can’t afford. This bill would take $70 million directly out of our public school budgets.

Use the tool below to your legislators to not let a voucher scheme get pushed through in the final days of the session: